My life is going downwards since 2019. Covid hit me hard and I was on sick leave for 9 months. I went through a messy divorce with a woman I didn't love (arranged marriage). I'm depressed almost all the time. Then got diagnosed bipolar type 2 but I'm not convinced. New medication helped for a while but then I got back to where I were. My depression hinders everything in my life. Everything is hard to do. Getting a better job or meeting new people is difficult. So I find my self standing still where all my peers are advancing through life. Better jobs, buying houses, marrying and having children, going on vacation. And I'm waiting to find a way to be a little bit normal. To wake up happy. To be able to make plans without them collapsing because I'm depressed. I had enough with therapy and think this and think that and the inner child and see the positive side of things. The last time I felt alive was a couple of months ago when I was with my ex with whom I experience real love, but she had a huge amount of issues. She was out of an abusive relationship and had a history of CSA. Heaven turned to hell with her and she started accusing me of really horrible stuff so I escaped. But this experience showed me that all I need is human connection. My psychiatrist keeps asking me to try new medications that give me all sort of side effects. But deep down I feel that all I want is to be adopted by a loving family. To feel love and to be listened to. A break from adult life until I get back on my feet. Now I get panic attacks when I think that everything is either in stand-till or going downwards. And I feel HELPLESS! I'm scared to death because I don't see an out. I'm scared to lose my job because I don't think I'll be able to find another one. I'm scared to get evicted because I can't afford another place with higher rent. I'm in my 40s and still live like a student. It's not supposed to be like this. I worked hard to get my education and to adapt in a new country and to get a job and I was full of hope. Then I collapsed. All alone. No support. I feel like people around me don't understand what I'm going through. Sometimes they seem bothered by all the negativity. The only hope left for me is ketamine therapy but it's expensive. But I feel like I had enough of this tasteless life. I want to feel alive.