I’m fully aware that I have to take accountability for being in debt. I didn’t know anything about money my entire life. I was never taught how to save, how to spend, how to invest. Nothing. I used shopping as a way to cope and got myself into debt because of it.

I never knew the concept of credit till I was about 25. I never understood the seriousness of taking out loans. I always thought I was smart enough to handle my finances, I was so wrong. I learned my lesson. However, I wish I was taught these things. I was never taught how to take care of myself. My teeth started rotting at 9 years old because I was never taught how to brush my teeth. (I learned after my first root canal at 10 years old).. but that’s just an example of many.

I just hate not knowing basic life skills. On top of dealing with CPTSD which is already paralyzing.. can anyone relate? P.S wish me luck on getting myself out of debt. :/