I was talking to (arguing with) my father, and he kept going on about how he provides for the household and that because he's so manly he has managed to have a family. I'm not understanding this because I've lived with him literally my entire life and he's so manipulative and just a vile person in general that no one in the household except for him actually thinks that he's a good father or that the household in general is happy.

We talk about this all of the time, that he's childish and just makes everyone uncomfortable. Whenever he talks to people, he yells so loud and angry that you can hear it no matter where you are in the house, and whenever he walks, no matter how late at night, he stomps with what feels like all of his force (we both weigh the same amount and you can't even hear me take footsteps unless you're actually listening for them). Whenever we go out, he argues with the host, the manager, the server, you name them, he always thinks he's above them. He does his hobbies, and throws a fit when you try to placate him and tell him "yeah dude that's interesting, but please stop making me like dozens of one thing and clutter my room/the house/the backyard/the garage with it."

And it's just like he doesn't notice at all, he's has zero self awareness, which is genuinely amazing, because he's in his 50s and doesn't even have the slightest idea that he's an asshole? It's like he's still a child and he makes everyone coddle him emotionally. When he gets criticized, he just gaslights. If he's told no, he intimidates you and insists that you say yes. If you still don't say yes, he grills you, and starts personally attacking you, under the guise of advice, and him wanting the best for you.

I hate it because his behavior gave me lasting symptoms. I live with my parents right now and my heart is always pounding, and whenever I hear those stomping footsteps I fear they are coming to my room and I have to start gasping for air. Whenever he physically gets near me I start clenching my jaw and I'm always anticipating confrontation. I hate this