As the title says, at my last psychiatrist appointment I talked to him about how I suspected I was a victim of CSA, and just had completely pushed it out of memory. I told him a LONG list of behaviours I displayed when I was young (8 or 9) that I believed to be highly concerning. I won’t get into them now, though. One thing he said was that the idea of repressing memories has been “almost entirely disproven”. And he went on to talk about another patient of his which I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to do. Long story short, a mother came in talking about how her son (6) would hide and watch her undress, often pleasuring himself. He said that I probably just developed a sex drive really early on, like that kid. After he said this I left the topic alone. But I’ve done more thinking about it and I want more opinions on it. I think a lot of what he said is horse shit. I think that something happened to that kid he mentioned because even if you somehow develop a sex drive at 6 you’re not gonna creep on your own mother. I honestly doubt it even possible for a kid that age to HAVE a sex drive. I genuinely think he was keeping something from me and I just need some extra opinions. Am I just paranoid and is my doctor right? I honestly don’t know. Thanks for listening