somehow I hear this question quite often. whether it's as an ice breaker, friends just chatting or people on YouTube asking each other these types of questions. every time I hear it I cry.

90% of my childhood was awful. my mom wasn't good to me. my mom was emotionally neglectful, verbally and physically abusive. recently me and my mom got into an argument and yet again she tells me how I have it all wrong because we had good times. and I don't think she truly realizes. yes, we were smiling, but I was still sad and hurting over the things she said or the way she held me down to hit me. yes, we were laughing, but I was also scared because at any moment things are going to go back to the way they always did. I'm happy she got to be present and experience those moments, but for me those weren't good moments. yeah, sure, I wasn't being hit or yelled at, but those moments were ruined by the fear and anxiety of what was going to happen next. and sure, you can say it was my fault for choosing to no longer hang out but that was because my fears and anxiety were always confirmed.

I guess for me when I hear this question, I feel the same thing everyone else does. I get the feeling of the most impactful moments. I can envision the exact place, the exact meal, the smell of the room, and who was there. I'm immediately brought back to those exact moments. and it hurts.