MaineHealth is a goddamned fucking disgrace. Not only do they fuck me up in the ED by not providing me a safe psychiatric place and one of their workers giving me attitude in the ED Annex (which is the limited psych section of the ED; I mean, getting attitude in a fucking PSYCH area of a hospital by a psych worker when you've just had the most severe panic attack a person can probably have and are literally just trying not to panic all the time?), and fuck up their billing as a matter of course...I was supposed to have a 2:30pm telehealth with them, and to join the telehealth by 2:15pm.

Was supposed to. Yesterday their patient portal said I had an upcoming visit today, and the portal also said that I'd be contacted about the proper way to join a telehealth. At 2pm when I logged in, it said I had no upcoming visits. I checked my email. Nothing. Tried calling them. Busy off the hook. 2:15 went by. No changes. 2:30 goes by, and I find a fucking after-visit summary, that was no doubt auto-generated, for a visit I couldn't do.

The real kicker is that, around 2:45pm, the link to join the telehealth showed up for my 2:30pm appointment. But I'm so completely enraged that it would not be a productive meeting and as it is I'm going to have to blast off some serious energy and then sob and then try calming myself.

This fucking organization is apparently rebranding, and I can clearly see why. They fucking suck. It took a lot of energy management and skills to get me through this week, and MaineHealth fucking fails again. If I missed an appointment, I'd be charged. Are they going to compensate ME for MY missed time due to THEIR fuckup? I was doing paid surveys and would happily have continued to do so. Now I'm completely dysregulated and triggered.

God damn MaineHealth, and god damn the US healthcare system.

EDIT: About an hour after 2:45pm, they signed me up for an appointment on May 10 without discussing it with me first. I had already written all of the above (sans the swearing and with more constructive speech) to them via email messages that have been read, one of which was replied to expressing dismay and apology (this person is good and not responsible for MaineHealth's large problems). So someone at that practice signed me up for an appointment, which would have been the day after I'm seeing my therapist next week (seeing providers or doing mental health groups on consecutive days is very taxing for me at this time as it is). I already prepared myself carefully for today's appointment, only to get fucked. So I wrote to them that they had no right to schedule an appointment without my permission, and I canceled it. Given how hard today clearly was (and given the emails read by them), I consider them not contacting me about a date and time first to be fucking rude.

I have CPTSD. At this point, every single interaction with them literally feels like abuse.