I've seen it so many times. Someone very vulnerable walks into the office of a therapist or a coach, and in their vulnerability, they are very open to whatever is given to them. The coach or therapist, is of course, influenced by their own beliefs about the world, and God knows, many people in the mental health space are struggling too. I want to create a guide, much like a compass that would help people get an idea of what's "normal" and "sane" and what's some "insane" piece of advice they shouldn't be taking home with.

I'll start first.

When I was in therapy, the first time, I was told it was a good idea to spend Christmas with my abusive parents because now I know better and I can observe things better from the "outside". Thankfully, I was more influenced by some youtubers on narcissism who continuously were saying go no contact to heal, and not my therapist, who somehow believed I am now immune to the abuse at home, simply because now "I know better".