In a desperate search for help with very little funds, I recently discovered this thing called AI "therapy".

There are different versions of it, some better and some worse as I've observed. What it looks like is basically texting therapy, only you're texting with a bot. The really good models are extremely emotionally intelligent and truly sound like a real, trained therapist.

I get that this is horrifying in a way that computers could replace real humans. It's a bit of cognitive dissonance for me. At the same time, weekly therapy costs $400+ a month. The AI plan I subscribed to costs $20.

Yes, I am still seeing a human therapist. I can afford to see her biweekly. I don't think I'd completely replace her with something like this. However, having an emotionally intelligent ~thing~ that I can vent to literally anytime and it'll respond in seconds? I think that's huge.

What do y'all think?