So this is actually a good thing because I’m able to see the beauty of life kind of. But I decided to try dating and it was actually going okay and I was meeting guys I never thought would even bat an eye at me. Not even that but guys who are genuinely amazing people and smart, well traveled, interested in me too (for the most part). But I realised I don’t know how I could actually date them and I couldn’t figure out why I’m so insistent on not pursuing anything even if there’s no actual reason or “red flags”, but it’s because I’m jealous. So now I feel kind of icky and weird and I realise this is prevalent in all my relationships with people I think will never know what it’s like to suffer with this condition. Because I wish I could just say it’s a mental thing but it’s ingrained in my cells. I would literally be a blank sheet of paper without it, so I know it’s going to take a long time to deal with. Anyways it’s just how in the world am I supposed to date someone untraumatised?? I had to stop pursuing anything because I’m honestly just going to turn into a negative nancy. I would not want to be with someone like that but how do I not turn into that? If the plan is to surround yourself with well rounded people so it rubs off on you, but you’re jealous of those people how do would that help you heal?