
Life can sometimes seem bleak. Things don't work out. Society is depressing. People are cruel. Some days, it seems as if things will never look up again and it is extra hard to deal with all this on top of CPTSD! So let's talk about the positive growth we've had. What are we satisfied with?

Please let me begin by sharing some of my progress!

  1. I was an extremely sheltered and traumatised teenager. Ever since I moved out, I have learnt to cook, clean, take care of myself and do all the things that adults do! Now, sometimes, some people even come to me for advice on such matters!

  2. More than 3 years ago, I was a jerk. I had very little empathy and sometimes I would say mean things to people or stab them in the back just to see what happens. Then, I went through a people-pleasing phase where I could not cut off toxic friends. Now, I have attained a good balance. I am able to show moderate empathy and show genuine kindness to people while not putting myself down.

  3. Shame and self-blame. I used to have intense and regular periods of self-blame and shame. I've been working on self-compassion for a few years and at the present, I am at a stage where I can cut myself some slack on bad days. Fail that exam? It does not say anything about my worth as a person. I can try again. I said something weird in a group conversation? I am more than social mistakes that I make!

Please tell me what kind of growth you've had! :)