Sometimes I feel so unseen and like no one will ever understand who I am or how it feels. I don't know why I feel this need to be understood. I can picture a happy life with no people in it at all, just me planting flowers in a garden. I'd go to bed early every night. But to live in a world full of people who just don't get it feels woorse than being the last person on earth. At the same time, it's my duty to shield whoever I can from what happened to me. Why would I want to share that pain? Isn't that selfish? Is it just me internalizing the idea that I'm alone because no one will believe me or perhaps if I wasn't so broken I wouldn't have been hurt in the first place? I'm not sure if I'm the chicken or the egg but either way I'm the one to blame. I wish I was alone in this, but I know many others have been through something similar. It doesn't make me feel any better. I wish it would have been enough for it to only happen once. Then the sacrifice wouldn't feel so pointless.