I already hate my mother for the abuse I've been forced to put up with over the years. In an odd way my mother looks up to me for advice on her dating life, I always feel uncomfortable when she puts me in this position and even asked her "Don't you have people your age to talk about this with?", she brushed it off and carried on.
Last year she started bringing some random dude over to have sex so loud that I had to leave the house in order not to hear it. The next morning she'd complain to me about him, apologize for forcing me to hear them having sex and promised it'd never happen again. THE SAME DAY they were back at it like nothing happened. They ended up breaking up and again, my mom gave an elaborated half-hearted apology saying she "never wants me to feel disrespected again" and that she doesn't want to "jeopardize our relationship like that again" just days later she ended up doing the same thing with another man, and when I confronted her about it she unempathetically said "This is my house, I do what I want"
Honestly this shit feels intentional, it seems like some fucked up mind game that she's playing with me. Like why feign empathy just to revert back just days later? She has to know exactly what she's doing, there is no way that she could lie her way out of this one.