Yeah, lol. Got my first negative response a few days ago, and it sent me into a spiral. Was immediately triggered, tried explaining myself. Felt completely unseen and misunderstood. Deleted the post because I felt like an absolutely horrible person, and I hate that I sort of automatically and habitually let people who dont know me and misrepresent me, have so much power over me like that:( Was just a trigger on top of trigger.

I was shocked as this person seemed to be someone whos apart of the community and likely is on this sub alot. Idk, blocked her after she labeled me as something I wouldnt say was accurate for the situation, or me as a person in general really, but I suppose everyone has their moments. I honestly just never expected a response like that in this sub, especially from people who are commonly present here.

Im not saying i expect to be baby talked or coddled, but it just felt like a straight up attack! I just couldn’t imagine talking to someone like that on this sub.

I believe in non shaming approaches, even if you think the person has a bad or toxic trait/mindset. I think most ppl here are to some extent aware and willing to listen to input, as long as its not rude or said in a shameful way!! If you really think someone is too far gone then leave it be imo, unless you think theyve hurt someone etc.

Oh well. It happens, its still reddit haha.