When I was little and “in trouble” my dad would:

  • pinch the back of my hand very hard until I was almost crying
  • grip my forearm with both his hands and twist them in opposite directions (I know it’s called an Indian burn but I’m not sure if that’s offensive)

He also would tickle me way too hard, and when I would cry and tell him it hurts he would keep going and say “oh come on, no it doesn’t, stop being so sensitive!”

He never hit me but sometimes he would randomly bring up how his dad would beat him with a belt, and he would take his own belt and do that thing where you snap it straight so it makes a loud cracking noise. The noise scared me and apparently he thought that was funny because sometimes he would chase me around, cracking the belt.

Intellectually I think I know that if I’m wondering if something counts as abuse, it’s probably abuse, but I’m hoping for some validation…