For background I went through a pretty rough breakup almost 5 years ago and did religiously post and check on this subreddit during that time. A lot of time has passed since then I feel it’s time to pay my gratitude and help those who are currently experiencing that same pain.

Now I’ll first start by quickly summarising my story. Of course I was the one who was dumped in this relationship. I truly loved her dearly and wanted nothing more than for us to get back together. I was pretty much blindsided with the break up and looking back I don’t believe I was treated adequately by her either. She did offer the unfortunate downgrade of staying friends which I do not recommend agreeing to at all. I spent months wishing for her to text me wanting to get back together. I would wake up everyday hoping for this moment. 9 months later, surprise, surprise she’s finally returned and she wants me back and regrets her decision! I did make an attempt to try reconcile what we had but the reality is the trust is so far gone that I couldn’t be myself around her again. I ended things between us and we have not spoken since. If they actually do come back it really isn’t the happy moment you think it’s going to be. I didn’t know how to feel and honestly I went numb when I received her initial text. All I want you to know is getting back together isn’t something you should be wishing for. I can tell you genuinely I didn’t feel safe around her.

Now even after all this it still took me more than 2 years to get over her. What actually did help me was realising I felt so rejected after she broke up with me that I began to reject myself. I changed so much after we broke up and I became a different person altogether. I got a higher paying job, worked on my looks and on paper I should be happy right? I was more depressed than ever. Instead of accepting and loving myself I spent the next few years becoming the man she wanted. That’s what took me so long to get over her. I eventually started being myself and engaging in activities that I enjoyed as a child. I tried finding myself again but let me tell you after some time you really do forget who you are.

This is my word of advice, don’t let the rejection change who you are. Be you and learn to love and appreciate yourself. You’re an amazing person and you deserve all the love this world has to offer, don’t ever forget that!