I’ve been worried about how Shikamaru is being treated as Hokage. Dismissing what could be major information and a lack of combat so far. If it’s not just a guise and part of his plan then that’d be genuinely very disappointing. He doesn’t need to be insanely strong but a decent powerup would be nice. Besides he’s been at Naruto’s side for years. Maybe some sort of innovation on Asumas Jutsus would be a good choice to pay respects to his sensei. Shikamaru always fought people above his caliber and held his own. Against Temari, The sound 4 guy, and even Hidan from the Akarsuki. I want another one of these underdog moments from Shikamaru. It just would feel so useless for a current Hokage to not have a major fight seen and moment, especially because he was one of the best characters in the original series. Even if it’s not combatal we should atleast get an incredible plan and tactics from him, because his brains his reason for being Hokage in the first place. To prove that it’s a lot more than just strength. If he just stays doing what he’s doing now that’d be major character assassination imo. Maybe this is just my biases though