Yesterday my husband and I went to get ice cream in a nice area downtown by the river. Lots of tourists out and about, but thankfully the shop was relatively empty. We are the only ones in line while we were choosing our flavors when a Boomer couple walked in. The husband goes straight to the bathroom (it's for paying customers only) and the wife goes in line the wrong way to stand over my shoulder to see the flavors. Whatever. We are picking our flavors when she walks around us and does the same thing, leaning basically in front of my husband to look. They didn't get anything, but instead head back outside and sit in the shop's tables out front. It's a nice spot, but still, rude to not get anything.

We take up seats in a corner and are eating when I notice a large family is headed in. They're all ordering while the mom is trying to wrangle her youngest into a high chair. He is fussing and begins crying. I am fine with kids, but the shop is small, so we decided to head out. Kid is still crying as we are passing the Boomer couple (now chatting with other Boomers) and we overhear their conversation:

"Oh sounds like someone didn't get the flavor they wanted!"

"That would never be me, if my kids had acted like that I would have beat their ass!"

My husband loudly mocks them by parroting what they said back to them with a "ha-ha-ha isn't child abuse FUNNY?"

Edit: reading through comments and I'm so sorry to all of you who have experienced abuse as children under the guise of "discipline." My older gen x mother also hit me with a flyswatter, but my friend was hit repeatedly with a belt then forced to do push ups. I am so grateful to see we are changing and breaking the generational trauma.