My dad is a boomer, and embodies all of the worst characteristics of boomers - selfish, money obsessed and cheap when it comes to others but spares no expense for himself, zero interest or sympathy for his children who are all in their late 30s and struggling despite working in full time demanding careers.

But perhaps the most maddening thing that has always been a part of his personality, is that he cannot admit he is wrong. Ever. About anything.

He considers himself handy (and generally is) but if he fucks something up, it's always someone else's fault or some kind of problem with the materials.

If he makes a statement and is proven wrong, it's the fault of the source he got his info from and he "had a feeling it wasn't correct".

And this is something I have noticed is incredibly prevalent across the boomer generation, not only through first hand observation but also through conversation with friends and colleagues who all say the same thing about their parents and other boomer relations.

What is with this? Why does it seem to cause boomers actual, physical discomfort to admit they fucked up or they don't know what they fuck they're talking about?