No drinking No relationships with crazy/toxic people to keep stress levels lower. (I used to sleep like a baby until I got involved w crazy chicks) Stay close to my ideal body Cardio 1st. Weights 2nd Eat more fruits and veggies- I probably found out too late how important they are for gut and brain health.

Preserve my telomeres length by supplementing Coq10, taurine, vitamin D. Vitamin C and E. I know people say you get enough vitamin C from diet but I feel and look better when I supplement it.

I would take glycine because I was a huge red meat eater for most of my life. Still enjoy it just not as much.

Take glutamine for gut health.

Surround myself with the people I love and who love me and keep those relationships strong.

Focus on happiness and not money.

Anyone else have any words of wisdom.