So I turned 25 today. I am not sure if this subreddit is the best place to post this. If it isn't, I apologise. It's just that I don't have any close friends or family members that care about me, and many of them have left me because of my BPD symptoms. I guess they felt incapable of or unwilling to deal with me due to the stigma associated with the disorder. I can kind of understand. I consider myself a self-aware borderline, but despite being on medication and receiving professional treatment on and off, my past experiences and traumas continue to make it difficult for me to form and maintain relationships. It would be great if someone could wish me a happy birthday. I have no plans for the day since I am too depressed and poor to treat myself. I don't feel deserving of good things. A birthday message from anyone on here will suffice for me. I hope this is not too much of an ask.

EDIT: Oh my god. I didn't expect to wake up to so many birthday messages!! Thank you all so much!! I will try to answer to each message, but I may miss a few; even if I do, please know that I am deeply appreciative and moved by the love shown to me here. I'll do my best to respond to everyone's messages within the next few days, if that's okay. You're all amazing, and I'll never forget the compassion and support you've showed. I wish I could wrap my arms around all of you. Thank you so much!