I’m wondering if anyone else develops a “temporary” agoraphobia in burnout? I’m hesitant to call it agoraphobia because I really can’t find much on having it on a more mild, situational scale? And generally while leaving the house can be a harrowing experience, I can do it without much issue but that’s how it feels when I’m in the throes of burnout.

Today is a bad burnout day and the thought of leaving the house feels scarier than ever, I wouldn’t even want to do it if I was going out with someone. You know how in some video games when you cross a threshold to outside it’s like a bright flash of light and then you appear outside? That’s what I’m convinced outside is like. Even just opening the door to leave the apartment feels overwhelming. It feels like a portal to a different world that’s a lot less safer than the world I created in the safety of my home.

I asked about it in the agoraphobia subreddit but someone said it seemed like it was more sensory stuff that was causing me to not want to go outside. But honestly it’s not just that everything feels louder and brighter and more overwhelming. But like in general right now I feel really small and “raw”- like mr.krabs without his shell. Maybe because I know I don’t have the energy to mask so I feel super vulnerable and tiny. Going outside feels terrifying bc I feel like I have 0 defenses from the outside world and I can’t keep myself safe. I have a looming anxiety that the sky will open up and a big hand is going to reach down and snatch me right up. The only place that feels safe is my bed or another small space. Everything outside just feels scarier and faster than usual.

Anyone else? I haven’t talked to a professional about it bc I just haven’t had the opportunity but i really wanna know wtf bc I’m tired of it. I’m tired of all of it honestly 😐