I have a neurotypical three year old daughter and an autistic two year old son. They're both the light of my life and I don't treat them any differently, if I buy for one then I buy for the other too etc etc. However, I can't say the same for family members. My daughter gets so much more from family, more time, more attention, more toys, just more everything. Whereas I can tell my son is loved by them, but he doesn't have the same amount of effort put into him as they do with his sister. It breaks my heart, because family will come over and say they're taking the kids out, but then only take my daughter. My son is non-verbal, but he always makes it clear he wants to go too (bring them his boots, holding his coat, pointing at the door etc), then he's left in tears as once again they take just his sister and leave him behind.

I have brought this up with the family members in question a million times, and I've been very clear that I want them to put the same amount of effort into both children, but it never comes to anything. They just say that my son is "difficult", "harder", and "he takes more effort, so we can't do it with both of them". I get that he's different, and I get that can make him harder to understand and control (for want of a better word), but that shouldn't mean he's somehow less worthy of their time. It also doesn't explain why my daughter has had so many new toys and designer clothes from them, things that don't require their physical attention. My daughter got a Ted Baker dress just because they "wanted to treat their princess" and my son got....nothing. I keep getting told this is normal, and it's just because they can't understand and bond with my son the same way they can with my daughter, but this feels like lame excuses to me. Anybody else? Is this actually normal, or am I right in thinking they're playing favourites?