So I'd like to start by saying part of the reason I'm not into it COULD be because in high school, I had this friend who was borderline emotionally abusive who constantly talked about anime. I'd never seen any anime at the time, and I think that this person talking about it 24/7 might've given me some sort of weird aversion to it (which could also be a PDA thing). And so now, if someone ever wants to watch an anime while I'm around, 95% of the time I just find it SO not interesting and I wish we could be watching anything else. And I've tried to figure out if it's just because of this high school "friend" ruining it for me, or if there's certain aspects of it that I actually don't like. Maybe it's the style of animation that doesn't appeal to me? I'm not sure, that's the only other reason I can really think of. Has anyone else just never been into anime?

P.S: And PLEASE nobody comment being like "Oh here's an anime I'm SURE you'd like" No. Please don't. I just want to vent and see if anyone relates, I don't want to try to be converted into an anime fan. Especially when people have done that to me a LOT before, and it honestly gets pretty annoying.