guys i’m gonna be honest i have four dollars to my name right now and i haven’t worked since october and i still can’t get a job because i’m mentally not okay and i just recently got my official autism diagnosis but i’m just lost and freaking out i’ve been busting out crochet so i can sell it but i don’t know how to work online shops and i’m just freaking out, idk how to do any of this stuff and i’m broke and i don’t want to be negative in my account i’m just really struggling right now and honestly need someone to tell me that it’s okay cause i’m just really upset with myself for not being able to get a job i feel stupid and worthless and i’m just really beating myself up today cause i checked my account and i’m so broke it’s not even funny i’m just so disappointed in myself i let it get to this point but at the same time i’ve been trying so hard to simply function around my own house that i don’t know when i’m able to work again i’m just so sad right now. i don’t know if i’m looking for any advice but if you have some plz i’ll take it. i would usually never ever do this but i’m really just needing some support right now until my boyfriend gets home so i can have a talk with him about what we should do. thanks everyone ⭐️