I would love some advice or comradery.

Tonight I decided to journal a bit because I was feeling depressed and weird (perhaps my period isn't helping). I was reflecting on a few things.

  1. Being frustrated around my struggles with friendship and feeling accepted in community. Time and time again, I have felt I have a bit of a childlike "magical" approach to making friends, and I assume people want to be friends with me more than they do it seems. Or I just assume someone has pure intentions when they don't. It all seems so much easier for everyone else.
  2. Something else I was noticing in friendships as a pattern was that on top of feeling like no one likes me, I was being used by the ones that do. For my style, my ideas, etc. All things they had the social battery and skills to execute publicly better than I could.
  3. I was thinking about how I have one friend, maybe one person in my life total, that I feel I can be my WHOLE self around. Like, could invite willingly into my messy house at its worst kind of friend. It's my high school best friend, who travels a ton, so I only see her sometimes. In any other friendship, relationship, dynamic, I feel that I am either being just a slice of myself, or whatever the "best" version of myself is that day, or in some way am tailoring different parts of me to that friendship. Even if its authentic parts of me that I share, its not all of me. And it feels like a performance constantly upon reflection. Trying on different parts of me with people to see what lands and what doesn't. It's like I am scared to be my whole self, or just don't feel comfortable doing so, around most people because what if its not good enough (like its been before).
  4. The fact that it feels easier right now to go hermit mode and not be perceived by anyone because even the awareness of being perceived by a new acquaintance is too much.

With those in mind, I let myself journal it out and I wrote a list called "Things I kinda feel like giving up on right now" as a form of catharsis and radical truth. Turns out... the list includes pretty much everything? Here's a summary of most, not all, things included:

  • My close friendships
  • My medium close friendships (this category actually gives me the most anxiety?)
  • My acquaintances/new friend potentials
  • Job opportunities
  • Creative projects
  • Cleaning
  • Decorating my home
  • Dressing cute
  • Curating my life or "creating her" at ALL
  • Working out
  • Eating well
  • My comfort interests (I was surprised I put these down. These are the interests that are like long time special interests that I usually don't even talk about with people because they make fun of them or they are uncool. Maybe this is just a spur of the moment I am tired of it all thing)
  • Trying to not be agoraphobic and doing more things during my days
  • Being the perfect ANYTHING (daughter, friend, etc.)/being the "nice one"

And the list of things I DON'T feel like giving up on is much shorter...

  • My partner (who, BTW, I still don't feel I can totally be myself in front of. I find I feel best with them when I am "performing well" in life, have a clean space. I even... started white lying about having extracurriculars I do because they seemed so excited about it. The reality of my life feels... too dim to let them into completely)
  • My pet
  • That one friend from high school
  • And... that's it.

I'm honestly just a little concerned that pretty much my whole life feels to overwhelming for me and I just want to throw it all to the wind. It scares me that just withdrawing feels the most comfortable and safe. It upsets me that pursuing more from life in really any way, for more than a few months (let alone a few weeks), makes me want to give up on it entirely. And the thing is, I have had this cycle before of basically getting "far" enough to have an opportunity for "success" in some way present itself for me, and that is exactly where I give up from being burnt out and overwhelmed. My brain just doesn't like it.

Anyways, I would love to know if you have any advice, or similar experiences, when it comes to these feelings I am having. <3