Basically the title. I'm feeling a bit guilty for letting a friendship fizzle out after being part of a friend's bridal party. I won't get into too many details because there were multiple factors that led me to the decision, but the general feeling I had after spending so much time with the bride and her friends is that we really don't have a lot in common and I don't think she is particularly kind or a good friend. I felt incredibly taken advantage of and used and unappreciated. Also spending time with her and her MOH and listening to them talk shit about other bridesmaids who raised concerns about costs changed the way I saw her and it's hard to go back.

I talked at length with my therapist about it and we narrowed it down to: I don't really want to pursue the friendship, and I don't really want to "have a discussion" about it because it's not worth it to me. I just kind of let our friendship fizzle out (tbf she also didn't reach out for 6 months post wedding). It feels right for me but I still struggle with the guilt of being "selfish".

Has anyone else ever had this scenario? Ever saw your friend's true colours after dropping thousands on a dress, weekends away, gas, gifts, etc? Would love to hear other perspectives!