hello friends,

i am 22 and about to graduate college. i am moving back home soon and will probably live at home for 3-4 years at the very minimum. i am really not looking forward to being not allowed to express myself clothing wise, i am AMAB and bi and love being feminine, painting nails, wearing makeup, wearing crop tops etc. I am also questioning whether I may be genderfluid or maybe even trans.

i am chinese american and for us its very important to respect your parents beliefs and remain in very close contact with them. i once told my mom about a girl I had a crush on, and the girl was overweight. my mom said she was really upset that i liked her, I told her I didn’t give a damn who she finds attractive in my partners, who i find attractive is most important. she said she wants me to date a super skinny and sexy girl, and was really offended that i like this girl and that I didn’t care who she found hot, which I find hilarious and also sad. that’s not even getting to the queer stuff though. i even started wearing tighter pants and she said it’s “shen jing bing”, meaning sick in the head. my dad said it’s ridiculous and wrong for men to dress like women, and when i asked why he said “because I said so, and society says so”.

outside of whenever i bring up dating or queer stuff, i have an excellent relationship with my parents and love them. they have supported me through my music career and been very good to me. on queer stuff, i fucking despise their opinions and it honestly gets to me sometimes, i sometimes dress up and then imagine what my dad would say. i have attempted coming out like at least 5 times, and they always forget / ignore it. the words they say in response to this stick in my head for months at a time. i want to respect and love my parents but they don’t respect or love this part of me. i’m hoping others have advice or can relate to this. thank you so much.