Everytime I posted a question, it got removed within an hour bc it’s either too general of a question or too specific/too focused on personal issues, what? Like, we have posts with similar topics like “what’s your favorite hydrating toner?”, “what’s your HG moisturizer for dry/oily/acne-prone/sensitive skin?”, “what’s the best AB sunscreen?” every other day. How does it even work here? I’ve been in this sub for years and it’s always damn near impossible for me to have my posts up.

Edit: Just to clarify, I didn’t make this post to hate on mods since I know y’all don’t get paid to do this and the behind-the-scenes are usually more involved. This post stems from genuine befuddlement.

Edit 2: Oh my this post blew up and even reached redditors outside of this sub. Here's some of my takeaways:

  • What is worthy enough to be a discussion, what isn't, what should go into the daily threads, all of this can be confusing especially on a sub as big as this. Originally I made this post out of frustration but also out of genuine confusion at how should I follow the rules. I knew many ppl have this problem but didn’t know it is to this extent and that this post with blew up like this.
  • I wholly agree that we don't need to be flooded with posts asking the same beginner questions. This I believe already solved with the sub's getting start guides. It might seem inconvenient for new posters but this is necessary to maintain the sub's quality.
  • While it's very exciting to discover your holy grail new finds, it's very cloggin if everyone come and rave about everything they try. For this, I don't see anything wrong with removing single product rave posts and having posters coming together in a weekly rave thread /new HG or smth like that.
  • Posts asking about recs for specific dermatological conditions (I'm talking seb derm, psoriasis, eczema, etc. ) would benefit from having more exposure.