I have shaped most of my hs years with the mindset of becoming an animator and going to art school. But now the time has come to choose my major and a few things happened that prevented me from actually pursuing it (asian parent w high expectations). I have decidedly chosen a future in law instead. However, I'm afraid that by doing this, I'll lose my passion and motivation for art. I love art deeply and I hate feeling like I have to choose one or the other. Are there any artists here who have full time jobs in something else that can speak on this/give advice?

EDIT:wow this got way more replies than i thought it would! Thank you guys for the advice it really is making me feel a lot better. To give context because it seems I forgot to add this. I do love learning law a lot too! There is a reason i chose that future, I'm just sad that I'll be losing my career in art and I'm scared i wont have time for it anymore