ASO Challenge Day 4: First Results and Small ASO SecretTutorial

Hey Folks,

It's quite a while from the last post. I got many messages from you, thanks for your attention!

On April 2, we released an update to our abandoned app in a highly competitive niche to increase impressions/installs in the US. Let's check out what we achieve in the last 2 weeks!

If you didn't read the old posts check out below;

Post 1 
Post 2 
Post 3 
Post 4 

Before I show the results, I want to remind you something very important: ASO is a long journey. There is no magical formula. You have to test everything out all the time and find what works for you. You should evaluate all assets as a whole.

Even if you rank #1 for a very competitive keyword, you can't stay there very long if your screenshots don't attract users' attention for that keyword. Because users likely focus on each app for just 1-2 seconds while searching apps, you have to give a clear message to them.

Let's get down to business. We increased impressions to 21K from 17.8K. That's 20% increase. Conversion rate a bit down to 2.29% from 2.37%. That's normal because we targeted many long tail keywords that's not exactly match our app.

last 90 days 

But since our target was the US, we should focus on US metrics. Before the update, we were getting around 30 impressions per day on average from the US. After the update, we increased it 5x and are now getting around 150 impressions per day on average. That's awesome!

impressions from the US 

I have a theory: when you save your metadata, Apple starts indexing it, even before you publish the update. We released the update on April 2nd but saw a significant boost earlier. That's not the first time. We saved metadata on Mar 24th. Can you check the peak before then?

As you know from previous posts, we aimed for the "baby tracker" keyword in our app name, even it's very competitive. You can see the ranking history for this keyword below. We were ranked #228 for a long time. However, when we saved the metadata, it immediately jumped to #66.

ranking history for the \"baby tracker\" 

Anyway, let's look at the whole picture. We saw a significant increase in rankings after the update but didn't gain any spots in the top 20. I'm pleased to see some traction. We'll analyze the ranked keywords and optimize them again, as that's how ASO works.

keywords ranking history 

It's not just about keywords and combinations. We also have to optimize our screenshots according to the keywords we want to rank for. Next week, I will prepare new metadata. Follow me so you don't miss out.