I've been out of work for awhile, and I'm running out of funds. I've been diligent in my job search but for some reason keep hitting brick wall after brick wall.

I'm now at the point where I'm feeling paralyzed by anxiety. I can't relax and enjoy myself, because I feel like that's time I'm wasting not actively job hunting. But job hunting while I'm in this state feels like swimming through molasses, and I'm sure its causing me to make mistakes in applications and interviews.

It doesn't help that even before all this I struggled with social anxiety, and anxieties over work in general. And I have adhd, medicated but still.

Today I've been stuck going through waves of anxiety attacks for the past five hours. I tried taking a nap and I couldn't because it felt physically painful and I couldn't stop thinking about how I wasn't applying to jobs in that moment.

I can't reason myself out of this because this is honestly a very legit reason to be this anxious I think. But there's also nothing else I can actually do right now to fix the problem - its late on a Friday, no one's gonna be calling me back or looking at my apps until Monday. I did have one interview where it sounded like they were very much on board with hiring me, but I've had interviews like that before so I can't rest on that.

I just want this feeling to stop so I can at least do something, even if it's fall asleep.

I've been looking into trying therapy again, but I keep coming back to the same thought: how is a therapist supposed to help me with my anxiety if that anxiety is actually a proportional response to real stressors?