TW mention of restrictive behaviors and calorie counting

I've begun recovery. I'm committed and know what I want, but that doesn't change how hard it is.
I'm trying my best to keep up with my exchanges, and I've mentally accepted and have even embraced upping my caloric intake...but the need to count calories and measure every single thing with a food scale persists. Even though I am upping my intake, I am still so, so tied to this food scale and measure everything. It needs to go. I know it needs to go. Mentally I cannot get better without it.

For those who were able to do it - how did you part with the food scale? What did you do? smash it? throw it out? give it away? save it? How did life change once your food scale was gone? I feel the same way with the calorie counting apps too...

Someone tell me that holding onto the scale and apps aren't actually helping my recovery (I think I'm trying to tell myself that since I am upping my intake it's okay to keep it, but I know it's not healthy to require that all food passes the scale before I can actually have it).

Thank you for any help <3