Animal Rights

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Have a skill to volunteer for animals? Join our Discord, save lives! 🐥

Interested in helping animals? Read below! 🐟

Playground is a vegan volunteer community run by the Vegan Hacktivists focused around helping vegans find volunteer and paid opportunities to support the animal protection movement. Let's work together and use our unique skills to help make this world a better place for animals! ✊🏽

Join our volunteer Discord:

Any skills you might have to help save animal lives and reduce suffering are welcome. For example, Developers, Designers, Writers, Editors, Researchers, Translators, Marketers, Social Media, Data Scientists, Security Specialists, User Experience, Advertisers, etc. You name it, we can use it! 💕

Thank you for your activism, see you on the other side! 🎉

Pinnedby veganactivismbotModerator
Are you passionate about AI, animal advocacy and animal welfare? ProVeg International is looking to help animals with your AI idea! ✊

This month r/AnimalRights is collaborating with ProVeg International to leverage AI and end the horrors of factory farming. Together, we are looking for the most impactful ideas and talent to help animals!

Ready to bring your ideas to life? Apply here! Applications for the 2024 Kickstarting for Good cohort are now open until May 26th. 🙏

As part of the program, you will receive:

  • Fundraising support and exposure to major funders.
  • Access to expert mentorship and networking opportunities.
  • Help finding like-minded potential co-founders & partners.
  • Grant of up to $5,000 to cover travel and accommodation costs.
  • Comprehensive evaluation and guidance to fine-tune your budget, assess cost-effectiveness, and develop a change strategy.
  • Support in branding, website design, and other technical aspects to elevate your project's visibility.

If you're hesitant about your idea, submit it anyway! Every idea has value, and in our mission to help animals and transform the food system, we need all the creative input we can gather.

Go ahead and submit your idea ➡ right here! and learn more about the program here.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

Pinnedby davidvanbeverenModerator
I'm pretty sure my parents are abusing my dog to get me pissed

I love my dog to death, and nothing will get me more pissed than someone trying to hurt him. I believe my parents are abusing my dog to get me to attack them. They know how protective I am and they keep doing petty things to him to get my reaction. Now they have gone too far and actually drew blood, I don't know what to do since they are using him to get to me.

How can we stop horse carriages in Vienna and other European countries?

I have been travelling Europe and have noticed that in many cities (Bled and Vienna in particular) there will be lots of horse carriages taking tourists on rides. In Bled, only one skinny horse was carrying a whole family on in a carriage up a hill. I see these horses at 8am and have seen them at 9pm. Some have foam at the mouth, tongues out. When I walked past the side of the road where they were standing and waiting for tourists some had their eyes shut they were so exhausted. They’re skinny, their hooves aren’t cut, they’re also whipped by their riders and they seem to be treated terribly. It makes me feel sick but I have no idea what to do. A couple of years ago PETA called for it to be banned in Vienna after an 8 year old horse died of a heart attack. They seem so overworked and tired and it is so unethical. What can we do to ban this practice? It’s across so many countries so I don’t know where to start but I feel an urge to do something.

Is this channel a scam channel?

I haven't watched thieir videos, but they take donations and are from Vietnam, unfortunately it is very common for these channels to be scam channels if in SEA

Monkey Abuse: The Cruelty Behind Cute TikTok Videos
Monkey Abuse: The Cruelty Behind Cute TikTok Videos

A very informative and educational article about the cruelty behind 'cute' social media and YouTube videos of pet monkeys. While the article discusses Macaque monkeys, it pretty much applies to all monkey species especially capuchin monkeys.

Much thanks to Monkey Sentinel for finding this article.

Another popular type of video the report identified shows macaques being forced to perform human-like behaviors, like eating food, playing with flowers, walking on their back legs, and carrying objects — all for the purpose of entertainment.

These macaques are not only forced to perform unnatural tricks, but the methods used to train and manage them are also cruel. Trainers often use negative reinforcement, like physical punishment or withholding food, when they do not comply with commands. 

The monkey abuse often continues off-camera too. They’re kept in small cages, given poor or inappropriate food, and little to no social interaction. These factors combine to leave abused monkeys with severe health issues, including conditions such as diabetes and emotional trauma.

Stray Dog Problem in Turkey and Europe's Double Standards

There are currently between 5 to 10 million stray dogs living on the streets in Turkey. The government, dog food factory owners, and so-called animal welfare associations make a lot of money from distributing food to these dogs. How do they make this money, you ask? Members of parliament, businessmen, and the like own these dog food factories, and municipalities issue tenders to distribute food to the dogs. In this way, they earn billions of Turkish liras, even dollars, annually. It's a kind of money laundering scheme. In the last 10 years, hundreds of citizens have died from rabies or dog attacks. The government has decided to take action on this issue, but not because citizens are dying. It's because the European Union considers Turkey a high-risk country for rabies, which could deter tourists.However, the critical point is the news reports from European news agencies like Deutsche Welle and BBC. These agencies, from countries where there are no stray dogs or even cats on the streets because they were either euthanized or gathered in the past, advocate against the collection of stray dogs in Turkey. If animals should live on the streets, why don’t these animal-loving Europeans advocate for stray dogs and cats to roam freely in their own countries? I invite you to protest against European countries. Please ensure that cats and dogs can roam freely on the streets of your own country.

Another Fake Animal Rescue Channel (Graphic)nsfw

Pretty sure I found the source channel for the reposted “rescue” videos I see on YouTube.

I’ll give examples of why this channel appears to be a fake rescue channel to me.

  1. The videos feature a lot of maggots and back injuries. In almost ALL of the videos it features puppies with very odd back injuries and maggots. Examples;

A. This puppy found in a bag?

B. Another puppy that looks similar to the puppy found in the bag with a similar back wound with maggots.

C. Oh boy, another video with another puppy with the same type of back wound and maggots.

D. I found the OG video finally. They posted this back injury one and then all of the rest came afterwards because it was taking in the views it looked like.

  1. Okay. This one is really bad please watch at your own discretion. Decapitation looks like it was done by a human. A couple of the puppies have weird back injuries again.

  2. Again. With the age old trick of burying a puppy under a pile of rocks. Why is this such a common thing I see on fake rescue channels?

I’ve reported all of the videos I listed for violent and repulsive content. There’s a lot more videos on this channel that I take issue with but I don’t want a mile long post.