I own a small 2 bedroom with my wife and 2 boys. My nephew (M24) is my sister's son, a single mother who passed away a few years ago. He moved closer to me after trying to live in Florida since his mother died. Our house is small so he is sleeping on an air mattress in our son's room. We offered he live with us for a bit until he gets back in his feet. It has been 5 months so far, and things have been less than ideal. He does no housework, not even his clothes, and there has been conflict because of cramped living conditions in my sons' room. We wanted to help him for a bit so he can save some money and get his own place. Recently he suggested he wants to go on a vacation. I got upset at this and told him that we didn't make this sacrifice for you so you can save money living with us then go on a vacation. Me and my wife don't make a whole lot of money so we try to save. I then suggested if he has money for vacation, then he has enough money to move out and have a safety net. He seemed upset at this but has reluctantly agreed to look for places after suggesting helping pay for rent. I turned that down because I wasn't looking for his money, I just wanted things to go back to normal and for our family to have privacy again. AITA?