We friends were having a talk on the table regarding harassment with a completely new stranger. At this my female friend( say A) introduces all us male friends as completely insensitive and unempathetic. Then she specifically mentions me to have not taken any action against a former male friend( say B )of ours who slut shamed her. This slut shaming incident happened 4 years back when all of us were just getting to know each other and new. A and B were labmates and I belonged to a different lab. But all of us were in the same department. So my friendship with both A and B was similar. Moreover, at that point of time they were not in my best friend circle. But were only friends. And it so happened that B was slut shaming A behind her back which A found out. But I was completely unaware of this since B did not slutshame A in front of me. And behaved with B naturally. Then one day A tells me about B and expects me to cut off my friendship with B. Though , I started maintaining distance from B, B used to approach me in a natural manner and I too used to respond naturally without showing any special interest but maintaining some distance. This was not taken well by A. But B understood that we were distancing ourselves from him and so he also distanced himself and he went out of our friend circle. A became a good friend of mine. But now it bothers me that she points this incident of my life to push me down and make me a villain and make me feel guilty. I tell her not to raise this since it bothers me. But she says she is not saying lies and that she will mention this when she feels like. She guilty drives me by saying that I am a bullshitty friend. I told her if she cannot forgive me for the past we can't be friends. AITA?