My (35F) husband (35M) keeps taking my car without permission. I have told him multiple times that I do not want him to use my car without my permission, and that he should ask before taking it.

Please note that he has his own car that works perfectly fine, but he still takes mine. I asked him why and he said it's smaller and thus easier to find a parking spot so he doesn't have to walk a little further for when he has to park a little further away with his own car (for when there are no bigger parking spots).

We got into an argument over it this time, and we ended up talking about taking money from someone when they aren't at home. I said if I am not at home and you can't reach me, it's not normal to just take money from my wallet without asking - he said to him it's very normal to just take money and give it back later. It's just borrowing. The same for the car, he is just borrowing it and it's no big deal.

I realize we think about ownership differently, but AITA for expecting him to at least respect my boundary and to not take my car or money without permission unless it's an emergency?