My son recently turned five. He graduated from the head start program yesterday, and he is ahead so he graduated quite early and he is quite intelligent. My ex, refuses to speak to me unless it is in terms of our son. Now, this is completely reasonable to me however I don’t understand how every time I try to have normal conversations with her, or just to see how her day or my sons day is going she cuts the conversation short or refuses to come over to tour my new apartment, or see all my accomplishments that I’ve come so far and worked so damn hard for.

Two days ago, I asked if she would come to my home to help me decorate my new apartment and my son’s new room since she is so good and neat with decorating. She declined, and stated that she didn’t want any “funny business”. Not sure what she meant by that, but that definitely wasn’t going to be the case.

As a result, she called to ask if I would still be attending my son’s graduation later that evening for the next day. I ultimately declined, just as she had and let her know that I now have bigger bills and decided to pick up a double at my job so I could be able to pay off my rent for the upcoming months. Moving is expensive and rent is steep where I live.

My son’s mom says that I am distasteful, arrogant and says that I am only trying to get back at her and called me an asshole. However I see no wrongdoings in taking my responsibility as an adult to make sure my bills are paid. Sometimes we have to make sacrifices, and I assured her that I will not be used when she wants me to do things for him at her convenience. Not to mention my gf might be expecting, we are waiting to see. AITA?