I live in a first floor apartment. Over the past couple weeks the neighbor who lives directly above me has been vacuuming for at least 2 hours each day. Our entire apartments are carpet (except for the kitchen and bathroom), so I do understand needing to vacuum maybe even daily, but it doesn’t take more than 10-20 minutes (I have two cats so they do track litter, but it takes me about 5 min. to do the whole apartment).

It has gotten to the point where I’m wearing noise cancelling headphones most of the time because it’s incessant. They’ll vaccuum for about 30 minutes at a time, stop for a couple and then restart and keep going for another 30 minutes (repeat). The neighbors work from home, so during the day it’s mostly quiet, except during their lunch break. But on the weekends it’s almost all day.

WIBTA if I asked them to limit their vacuum usage or at least see what’s going on?