I, 18 FM, currently a senior in highschool have a hard time finding solid friendships. I’ve been through a lot when it comes to friends and I can’t seem to make good ones because they’re either jealous, projecting insecurities, or belittling me. When it comes to friendships I’m always the pushover, and I’m sick of it so now I’m finally defending myself. In the span of 2 years I’ve been the loneliest ever because I cut anyone off that I feel is wrong for me. So recently in class, I’ve had a girl that I got along with really well. She always wanted to be my friend and even asked the teacher to sit next to me. We were very cool at first until this guy came in the class. At first he both made us uncomfortable and we shared this discomfort together because of weird comments he makes. He’s been a jerk ever since he tried to hit on me and I declined. Turns out this guy starts to sit right next to us and all of a sudden he’s friends with her boyfriend so they became friends. Now, she’s had a change of heart by constantly coming to his defense when he says something weird to me when I defend myself. Once I expressed my new excitement for a sport I’m trying and he tells me, “Why don’t you stick to what you know you’ll never make it” and she laughed but I didn’t say anything. This guy is very creepy though, always calling my name in class then laughs when I turn around and always watching me. He even made a comment about me eating a lollipop talking about how I was ..”sucking” it..and she didn’t say a word to defend me. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t expect her too, but as a “friend”, I should. I even have this girls number and we texted a couple times. Anyway, everyday she makes small snarky remarks to get everyone to laugh at me. For example yesterday she was like, “you keep an umbrella?? Who keeps an umbrella??” Trying to get everyone around us to laugh at me for something so simple. Or when she would try to provoke a reaction out of me when I don’t respond. So yesterday after she tried to get me to talk I didn’t engage. I stared at her dead in the eyes and told her, “what do you want me to say??” I told her, “you always act different when people are around and you’re trying to be funny”. She acted confused when I told her how I felt. I said, “I don’t act that way with you so why do you feel comfortable doing it to me?” She just tried to say I was being sensitive and gaslight. I told the creepy guy, “I don’t understand why you keep talking to me either, you make me uncomfortable” and then the teacher got involved afterwards. I’m probably not friends with that girl anymore, but It is what it is. Im just upset because we planned on trying out for the sport together and I’m honestly sad i won’t have any friends with me during the experience..I just hope I’m not actually being sensitive.