Edit before reading: This ended up longer than expected, and there's a TL:DR at the bottom, and it's been there since I first posted, so please don't get mad for reading the whole thing when there is a TL:DR

Hello, this isn't very long, but this also isn't the first time a family member of mine has been mistaken as a significant other for me. If this story is enjoyed enough, I can post another one of those stories.

I am 23, trans FtM, but I was about 15-16 and not out of the closet yet at this point in time. I was also with my father (Dad), who was in his late 30's at this point in time. We shall call the old lady who decided to stick her nose in someone else's business, OH, for old hag.

So, this particular night, Dad and I decided we were going to go out to dinner, because my father often tried to split his attention between my brother and I, and as I had just won an award in school, he decided to treat me. The restaurant we went to is a particularly popular one on weekends and around holidays, and this was near the end of the year, so there was a bit of a wait.

So we took a couple spots on the waiting bench and, well, waited. We were talking about the award ceremony coming up, because i was really excited that my art was in the newspaper, and during our talk, this older lady sits next to us (OH). After a few moments, I heard her scoff, which I thought I saw someone either sit down or stand up beside her, so I didn't think anything of it, cause I don't like sitting next to people, and I know it can get trusting when your name isn't the next one called.

Waiting a little longer, this lady scoffs again, this time, I look at her, and she's staring at me, and giving me a disgusted look. I don't exactly remember what I said, but I believe it was something along the lines of "Huh?"

OH: "You're so disgusting."

Me, now confused: "What?"

OH: "Don't you think he's a bit old for you?"

I kind of narrow my eyes and look at her really confused. "Who?" I did have a bf at the time, but he was actually younger than me.

OH: "The gentleman sitting next to you."

I turn and only see Dad, and it takes me a few seconds to realize what she was implying. At this point, Dad realized I was staring at him.

I turn back to the lady. "Uh, this is my dad."

OH: "Duh, he's your sugar daddy, and you should be ashamed to be showing off that relationship in public."

Mind you, we weren't doing anything besides talking. There was easily 10 inches of space between us, because I was going through a bad overstimulation with all the people standing around and talking loudly. And it's not like we were holding hands or anything like a couple would do, we were literally just talking about my art.

Me: "No, this- this is, like, my literal dad."

Dad: "I'm sorry, but what did you ask my daughter?"

I basically then quick explain the story to my dad, and now HE'S staring at her. So, now at this point, the lady gets kind of embarrassed, as we were both now looking at her with a mix of confusion and disgust.

I think she muttered out somwthung about being disrespectful and got up, waddling out the front door. My father and I sort of just looked at each other and shrugged and laughed, but our names got called shortly after, so we got seated and we ate, and had a good dinner.

Edit 2: I didn't expect this to blow up so much, so thank you, but I do want to address a comment that was asked multiple times, that I answered, but I will answer it here since my og answers might've gotten lost in the comments

Why is this bothering you so many years later? The answer, put simply, is I've been going back and forth on it for YEARS. My dad did leave a comment under my account, but he did mention that I know I'm not the jerk, however, I wanna mention that he was under the impression that I knew. Last time I talked to him about it, I was thinking I wasn't, but I still wasn't entirely sure. I recently started therapy and it was brought up, and I mentioned my conflicting feelings on it, and my therapist recommended I get some outside feedback on it. I didn't want to just ask my friends since I knew they would default to my side, so that was the origins of this post. The reason I went back and forth for so long was bc I see myself as the reason why this interaction happened, if I would've just ignored her, or had said something to my dad sooner, I feel like it wouldn't be on my mind at all

With that being said, was I the jerk for embarrassing this lady?

TL:DR; Old lady thinks my actual father is my Sugar Daddy and gets really embarrassed when we tell her that we're literally father and child