There is no doubt from either of us that our son is our son. No possible way he is anybody else's. He's 3 years old.

I have an aunt who lives a couple hours away, so we only see her a couple times a year. She isn't my favorite family member, by far. She can be judgemental and seems to believe she's better than everyone. She talks about my other family members behind their backs. Every time this Aunt sees my son, she comments on his eye colour. His eyes are blue. Mine are hazel and my husband's are brown. My mom's (and this aunt's) side of the family all have blue eyes.

The first couple times she mentioned it, I didn't think much of it. He was a baby and i thought they would change, like his older sibling. Both our kids were born with blue eyes (and I believe most babies are), the oldest kid's eyes turned brown like his dad's around age 1 or 2. Youngest kid's eyes stayed blue. She had mentioned the blue eyes a couple times when oldest was a baby, but when they turned brown she stopped mentioning eye colour, until second was born.

My cousin, who shares the same aunt, and only visits once a year, visited us the other day. As soon as she saw my youngest, she said "he's so cute! He has blue eyes! But aren't yours hazel and husband's brown?" I thought that was kind of strange, I never really notice, mention, or think about eye colors very much at all. I shrugged it off and we had a nice, but short visit.

When my husband came over, she asked to look at his eyes. "Brown, hmm that's so strange." She told her boyfriend about the whole eye colour situation, and he responded (with a smirk) that "it happens, but it's rare." And the whole thing just kind of put a damper on the visit, in my mind anyway.

I just feel like my family are gossiping about me behind my back, and in a very negative light. Like how could they think I'm that crummy of a person, they're my family. I love my cousin, but I feel like our aunt got that image of me into her head, and who knows who else's.

I don't totally understand the genetics behind eye colors. I don't know why he has blue eyes. And I don't feel like explaining it to people who are judging me.

My husband didn't notice these comments until I brought it up after this latest visit. He rolled his eyes and agreed with me. I would do a paternity test for him in a heartbeat if there was any doubt. But there isn't.

Am i overreacting? Should I give this Aunt the benefit of the doubt, like maybe she isn't actually trying to imply that our son isn't my husband's son?