Conclusion- I still am unsure if his actions indicate desire to have sex with children. Obviously he’s into age play ( pretending to be with a child) but most answers are saying that this doesn’t indicate pedophelia.

Most answers not informative and just hateful. I also hope that those who are upset know that the person in question will not be bothered with my perspective or opinion, and have kept quiet about it in real life to everybody except for this one post which nobody in our lives will know about.

I won’t apologize for leaving w no contact because of how it would have gone down if I didn’t (violent history with the guy that y’all neglected to take into consideration) I also won’t get back with the guy cuz what’s done is done and was going to happen regardless.

Honestly all I wanted to do was either confirm or deny the red flags going of in my head about they guy and most of these responses are super hateful. My question doesn’t seek to incriminate or harm the guy it was just me trying to see if what I was seeing or feeling was reasonable or i was being overly cautious. Yes we were going to break up weather he was or wasn’t showing pedo signs due to a multitude of factors but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t explore the validity of how I interpreted these actions. Thanks to everybody who was kind informative and understanding.