Me (24M) and my Fiancé (26F) recently got engaged after dating for 1.5 years. She recently got a call from an unknown number and left the room, then came back in crying. When I asked her about it, she simply said it was her FORMER drug dealer and he was asking is she wanted to buy anything. She told me she is 2 years sober and that she doesn't understand why he was calling her.

When i found out, I was (i believe) justifiably upset. Not that she was an addict, but that she hadnt told me. I am a professional Recovery Coach and troubled youth mentor, so i could've helped her and supported her with her sobriety.

This morning she sat me down and said expressed the fact that she felt as though I wasn't being "Supportive Enough of her sobriety and life journey", even though I have tried since I found out, but she doesn't like to talk about her addiction and recovery with me. I'm upset because she feels as though I'm not supporting her, but for the last year and a half I didn't even know what she was going through

Am I overreacting?