Alien Bodies

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What do you think the buddies were like when they were alive?Speculation

I know I’ve asked this before, but I’m just so excited about all of this. I have seen a ufo close up with my entire settlement just for it to be covered up by our news station(Bahamian news station called zns) they said it was apart of some military training. But me along with so many others knew better. The craft was hexagon shaped with pinkish red lights on each point, and it just hovered there still. It made no noise besides when it was about to leave it made a noise similar to the beeping noise a car would make when your seatbelt isn’t latched. After that it took off faster than anything man made. Also my aunt saw a 3 fingered owl face creature that looks very similar to the mummy that had the fetus inside of her. My aunt said the creature didn’t move human like but very strange almost bird like or reptile like. She said its movements was almost robotic like how a chicken or bird moves. Sorry for the rant but I’ve been thinking and imagining what the would’ve sound like? what they may have ate? do they have social society’s like humans? I wonder if they have restaurants, malls, grocery stores, bars/clubs etc on their planet or wherever they may have came from. I wonder if they raised their kids in two parent homes. I assume that they were somewhat social seeing as some showed signs of having surgery during their lifetimes. It’s all so exciting to speculate and theorize, but also frustrating because there’s not much information coming out lately. I’d love to hear your theories and ideas.

Both Theories True at the Same TimeSpeculation

The Lama Skull theory is back on the table, with more and more experts arguing that the bodies were once living beings. Both theories, if the evidence isn't fabricated, seem plausible and true. Let's assume, for this discussion, that both theories are true at the same time. What would that mean? Could these bodies be fabricated like Frankenstein's monster? Could an alien species have visited Earth and rebuilt their physical appearance using organic or DNA materials from around them?

Richard Doty

For anyone unfamiliar, Richard Doty is/was a disinformation agent working on behalf of the military to muddy the waters around UFOs and advanced government tech. I’ve linked a wiki page for a movie about all that called Mirage Men. Definitely worth watching.

I also bring him up as a reminder that not everyone in the space is acting in good faith, and we need to be cautious about any and all conclusions and where they come from. The government / PTB will obviously go to great, and probably quite sophisticated lengths to prevent disclosure.

Nazca J-Types skull analysis by a physician Research

Hello everyone,

As an experiencer, I have a lot of interest in the paranormal. I also worked as a scientist for many years, and currently, I'm a resident physician at one of the leading institutes in the US.

I fell into the camp of believers first, even spreading posts that the Nazca specimens seemed real. I've read a few articles claiming authenticity. Finally, with a couple of individuals who are experts on this subject, we gathered the Nazca specimen CT scans and the official lama skull model from Morphosource. Here are the key points:





This was followed by a striking comparison made by XrayZach (big kudos, he is on this forum and allowed me to use his images). He took the Morphosource Lama and compared it to the cross sections of Suyay:




Finally, I received the analysis of Maria's hands from Benoit, a French investigator, who shows perfectly preserved 5 flexor tendons and carpal bones, with just removed fingers in both hands. In short – these are modified human hands:


In combination, the three perhaps most interesting parts of the entire mystery are fabrications. The Miles paper at first is a piece of convincing evidence for the ET life but turns out to be wishful thinking. And all of the experts believing the authenticity of the specimens seem to be biased and weirdly charmed. Maybe that was the original goal and a spell of the mysterious artists, combining animal parts and modifying carcasses.

There is a big question whether the entire cultural phenomenon, thousands of years of art, sculptures, and drawings - is fueled by contact, and I believe that is the case. The specimens are rooted in the encounters of the fifth kind, and this is confirmed by remote viewing sessions from talented individuals, you can find them on YouTube. And for anyone who is invested in the phenomenon - I want to emphasize something as clearly as possible - it is absolutely real, we have biologics and craft. Very little is physical and quickly confiscated, most is metaphysical or consciousness-based and anyone can have contact. However, Nazca specimens - after now a few months of contemplation and investigating - are not "them".

Thanks for sticking around.

One Theory Of The Nazca Mummies - Part 1

I have two theories for what's happening with the buddy situation. One of them is basically very grounded and very cynical, and by the end one of them is going to make me sound like some sort of mad scientist crackpot. I've been sitting on some thoughts that have gradually been building to some sort of theory and I've decided that I'm just going to put it out there for your consideration. You'll be pleased (maybe?) to know it is the latter more bonkers version that I'm going to start to share here today.

Part I - History Of The Area/Local Beliefs

In an effort to understand the historical context of the bodies I've been doing a lot of research in to period in which they were carbon dated and the beliefs held by local indigenous populations of South America.

It's important to note that the bodies pre-date the Incan empire, and the culture of the area at that time had no writing system. Art was their writing system. 1,200 years ago was a transitional period shortly after an El Nino period of flooding and would have been part of the Terminal Lima/Wari or early Nasca civlisations for which there is relatively little known aside for what has been found in the archeological record. One site of interest would be Huaca 20 which has archeological details of the Terminal Lima phase.

Pages 108 and 109 detail the uncovering of Tomb 112. This tomb features a ceramic pumpkin vessel (not the typical bottle gourd shape one thinks of, it is a pumpkin) and a ritual offering of infants that were placed under an upturned jar.

Pumpkin vessel from Tomb 112 Huacas 20

Pumpkins were also common in earlier Paracas ceramics.

Paracas pumpkin

In Peru, there is a tale of a star maiden who was caught stealing corn, she eventually married a local boy, gave birth and then returned to the stars. Many of you will know the rough outline of the star child story, but what you may not know are the finer details I'm going to present you today.

A short version of the story is copied from "Folk Literature of the Chorote Indians" who are an indigenous people that stretch from Argentina to Bolivia.

There was a very ugly man who was always running after the women, but they did not like him and would hit him. Once this man took blood from his tongue and flung it up to the sky. Then a star descended, and she stayed here on earth. She married the ugly man.

The star took the man to another place along with all [her] people. In order to be able to carry her he put her inside a gourd and covered it, and then his sister placed the gourd in a net bag which she carried as she went. After a while the girl grew tired from carrying such a heavy load, and she let it fall to the ground. All those who were out in the brushwood with their axes, gathering honey, died. The star said: “We have to pick up some earth and throw it up toward the sky.” She did it, and immediately all those who had died reappeared, alive and working.

Later they looked for something to eat, but found nothing but leaves. There was not a single fruit in that place. Then the star said to her sister-

in-law: “Take a leaf from any tree.” When the sister-in-law obeyed, the star spat in her hand, and the wild beans appeared.

You read that correctly. A gourd with a star being inside it drops to the ground causing the death of many people. She stayed for some time before returning to her planet with her husband.

In a longer telling of the story from the same book the star is badly injured (it says died a little) when the pumpkin she is in is thrown to the ground. She becomes well again, and marries a boy who is then eaten by vultures. She kills the vultures, and one at a time removes all the pieces of him that she can from the vulture's stomach, joins all the pieces together, adds a few bits of vulture for missing pieces and makes her husband a new body before returning to the sky.

Wilbert Johannes is the author of a series of such books about South American folklore that documents first hand, as told by various different tribes, the local folk tales that were obtained from researchers as early as the 1910's. These were collated and published some time in the 1970's.

One such book has 7 different accounts of the star maiden myth as told by the indigenous tribes of Brazil. This book is titled "Folk Literature Of The Ge Indians". What I find interesting is that the myth is essentially the same throughout not just South America, but all of the Americas. This dates back to a time when there were over 1000 distinct spoken languages throughout the continents.

In Brazil tale has 7 stable elements:

  1. A star comes to earth
  2. She presents herself as a frog
  3. In the daytime she hides in a gourd but is discovered by another
  4. She marries the boy
  5. She births a child
  6. She teaches the local populations about growing corn and/or other crops, and how to prepare and eat them.
  7. She returns to the sky.

Elements not found across all variations, but which are detailed in the book:

  1. She is able to take a human form
  2. She is decorated by the tribe in their clothing/jewelry
  3. She is about 50cm tall

I'm going to share with you my interpretation of what happens in this tale as it relates to the ancient alien hypothesis and our little friends, but I suspect you know where this is going.

At first I thought that the frog returning to the gourd in the day time was symbolic of a frog returning to water as when I first read this I had assumed the gourd was a bottle gourd. There is another shape of gourd from the area, that of the standard pumpkin as found within Tomb 112. I think this tale conveys the story of a small being, similar in appearance to a frog but with a bipedal humanoid stature who came from the sky in a pumpkin-shaped craft. It crashed to earth killing many people. The being and therefor the craft were eventually discovered by others. I suspect her presence was celebrated and she was adorned with trinkets by the locals.

As this relates to the buddies I don't think I need to explain that there is a strong case to be made here that the tridactyl bodies and the stone carvings they were found with represent this story. On the assumption the hypothesis they are ancient constructions is correct I think they were made by indigenous peoples in order to bring back to life the star being as she did to her husband in the myth.

But I'm not going to stop there. I think there is room to say this is not just a myth, and I'll get in to that in future parts.

by Strange-Owl-2097⭐ ⭐ ⭐
If these are well made fakes

Then how are there so many of them? With fine details such as brain matter and even dried feces inside of them?

Remember that the platypus was "debunked" multiple times until the truth became undeniable. A mammal thats aquatic, lays eggs, has a duck bill and venom spurs? It couldn't be real. Except that it is.

In the case of the platypus, the. Natives knew they were real. Think of that.

The nazca mummies ARE catastrophic disclosureDiscussion

I keep seeing people saying "NOW IS TIME FOR CATASTROPHIC DISCLOSURE" but.... it's already happening. cats out of the bag. it's now a matter of time until some celeb tweets about them and it becomes mainstream.

by fd40
Why the Josefina-type mummies are not Llama skulls according to the author of the Llama Skull paperDiscussion


His personal twitter:

The reason why the Llama Skull paper was published:

The llama skull hypothesis wasn’t anything new; the idea had been argued from Peru before. The most significant aspect was bringing the topic to the scientific community through that paper.

We had previously submitted that document as the discovery of a new species, but it was rejected many times. The only way it was accepted was by presenting it from a skeptical point of view, and that’s how it got accepted.

However, it is stated in the same paper that the findings are not conclusive.

Another statement:

I made the publication mainly to publicize the discovery of the tridactyl mummies of Nasca Peru, from the point of view of skeptics, however it has not yet been proven that the skull corresponds to a llama, it is essential to perform DNA on one of those skulls.

Written answer

You wrote the article about the llama skull, and now you claim the bodies are real. What was the purpose of the article and has it been misinterpreted?

We could not present an article describing these bodies as real because the various journals we sent it to previously rejected it. Therefore, it was done under a skeptical criterion so that this discovery could be known within the scientific community. It is only a working hypothesis mentioned as inconclusive in the summary, stating that DNA tests are necessary to verify the findings. Otherwise, it remains speculative.

Do any of the organisms have excrement in their intestines?

Maria and some of the recently presented bodies show coprolites (desiccated feces) in their intestines, proof that they were feeding while alive.

Cranial Capacity, bone type and facial features are not the same.


by DragonfruitOdd1989⭐ ⭐ ⭐