My bf M(19) is threatening (through texts) to leak intimate photos/videos of me F(18). We’ve been in a relationship for about 4 months. When I told him that I wanted to break up, he told me “I told u if u finna b with me u stuck with me. So get comfortable.” And when I tried to tell him my reasons for wanting to break up he said that he’ll expose me “Bc u not finna leave.” This includes a video of us that I had not consented to him taking while we were in the act. He did say that he’ll change and that he’s willing to move to the outta state for me b/c I’m going to uni next year. I feel stuck and I don’t know what to do. I still [have] love [for]him but I don’t want him to think he can walk all over me. What should I do?

Edit/update: I have read all of the comments and I’m going to contact a lawyer and then break up with him. Maybe I can try to get the … evidence… off his phone and maybe to police. I also have text message evidence of his threats and if I will need to those can also be given to police/lawyers. Im honestly kind of scared to break up with him and contact lawyers/police but as you all have said that would be best for my personal safety and mental health. Thank you all for your support and advice. Hopefully all ends well and I don’t get hurt more in the process.