Looking for advice on a work matter. I work in healthcare. We work “shifts” but are salaried employees. Most people take call but I am lucky enough to not have to. I work mostly 8 hour shifts and am part time. I again, am lucky enough to have been able to go part time. This enables me to make sure I can get my kids from school and daycare. My husband works long hours and we do not have family near.

Here’s where I am looking for advice. I am constantly bullied over not taking call. I am reminded on a daily basis that I am no call and part time. When I am at work, I work. I make sure not to complain about the work. And I make sure to work hard and do the things no one wants to do. Problem is, every once in a while, I will point something out like mentioning how I don’t understand how some individuals can schedule and make doctors appointments for 9:20 am on a Tuesday. To which the replies are: well you can because you are part time, no call. I always respond politely, that yes, I am, and thank you, you are right. This doesn’t stop people from complaining about me to my boss. My boss is fair but they have had it with the complaining and is now threatening to change my schedule due to the jealousy of certain individuals. Therefore I am thinking of leaving my job. Would you leave your job over the bullying and change of schedule (due to complaints from jealous individuals)? Or would you just take it? And stay at your job even though the schedule change will negatively impact your daily life.