We live in New Zealand and our parents live in the UK. We’ve told them that we won’t be having overnight house guests for at least a month after our baby is born. The reasons are that we’d like to bond as a new family, establish our own routines, there are quite a few unresolved issues with my mum that makes things difficult for me, and the postnatal period is very difficult and house guests (no matter who it is) will inevitably make it harder.

My husband’s parents have totally understood and will find alternative accommodation when they visit. My parents are being quite difficult, and I’ve had several renditions about how I don’t know how hard it’s going to be and i need their support. They’ve brought up various things that they’ve done for me in the past and insinuated that I owe them. They say that they can’t afford a flight and accommodation, which I totally understand makes things difficult for them. They say they love me and want to be around to help and won’t interfere, but I absolutely will struggle with having them stay with us.

I’m not going to budge on our decision, but I feel sick waiting for their next “move”. Any advice would be really appreciated.

**edit- thank you so much for every single comment. We absolutely are not going to back down on this, I think I just needed to know that I wasn’t being a complete unreasonable bitch and that other people understand our decision making x x x