My mom has never stepped foot in my home.

She never comes even when she is invited.

She has never been there for me in a way that moms are normally there for their kids.

I had two kids. They mean the world to me. My mom never came to visit, help, offer assistance, I have very rarely ever had a phone call where she just called to check on me. If I ever did mention something the entire conversation circled back to how hard she had it or some memory for her. She often laughed at my emotions. There was no room for me.

All this being said, her golden child had his first baby. My mom has already allowed my dad to be there to help with their dogs.

We never got any help with ours. I even offered up our home and told them to bring theirs. It wasn’t even plausible for them to do.

My moms changed one diaper. She is now already showed up for my brother in ways she never could for me. She has giving baby bath. Checks on them often.

The hurt I feel is unrelenting. My brother shares pictures of his daughter and I kept help but notice he includes my parents help. But when I showed pictures of my kids I was annoying with it. He often ignored and never had anything kind to say. I always felt I was pushing him to have a relationship with them when he had no desire. Now he has his child and wants to share pictures. It hurts to see my parents participation. I also cannot deny that although I am happy for him he has never been happy for me.

I never had the recognition he had. And what hurts worse is that this is being passed to my children. Where does it end? I want to ignore my brothers photos and put an end to the hurt by removing myself. It just feels even worse because I had always wanted this tight nit loving family. And I feel if I close the door and stop responding I will be labeled bitch of a lifetime.