hey, everyone! I hope you're doing fine today.

I 've decided to write, cause I feel very dissapointed by doctors and health system in my country. I know you can not give medical advices, I only ask for your opinion. I'm one of these persons, wondering if I could have (secondary) adrenal insufficiency. Please, tell me what you think.

I'd had strange symptoms since years, like fatigue, brain fog, insomnia, stress sensitivity, etc., but they weren't really disabling. I'd gotten presyncopal episodes few times after physical exhaustion and dehydration, which had been something new for me (I was about 32 years old at the time).

About 5 years ago (I was 35) my health deteriorated. Suddenly, after quick dental surgery, I got dyspepsia, gastroparesis and plenty other dysautonomia symptoms. I got also motion sickness, I'd never had it in my life before. Ones after riding in a taxi i got tetany and almost passed out, so someone called ambulance.

Then was only worse. After working in the garden all day and dehydration, I got strange episode: in the evening, 30 minutes after sitting down, I've felt something really bad is going on with my body. I have no idea what was this attack, but at the beginning of it, I was red on the face, had chills all over, was vomiting with something like black bile, had diarhea and couldn't stop to urinate all the time. I was very weak, pale, I was feeling so terribly bad in some nonspecific sense, I was counting every second of this hell, when will be finally over. I was so sensitive to sensory stimuli, I was hurting all over when window curtain was slightly moving. Sounds, lights, everything made me so sick...

Another day I couldn't eat anything. I had terrible gastroparesis since then, IBS and severe food intolerances and malnutrition. I also had many other dysautonomic symptoms, like bradycardia, low blood pressure (I've always had it, but then was really low), arrythmia, vasovagal presyncopes, something like 24 h panick attack, I couldn't bare any temperature changes at all.

I lost 9 kg in few months, because I couldn't eat almost anything. I couldn't sleep. Brain fog was so severe together with fatigue, I couldn't think. I was so tired I couldn't play games, watch movies or listen to music. And as time went by, on the diet and with pacing, I was doing slightly better, year after year.

Meanwhile, I was diagnosed with cunateous mastocytosis. Too mild though, to cause such intensive symptoms. Doctors didn't know what it might be. Of course, their first diagnosis was panick attack...

My electolytes levels, thyroid hormones, vit B12, blood morfology, liver tests, USG, testosterone and progesterone, bone marrow biopsy, all came back normal. I only have calcium level on top of the norm, but still in normal ranges.

Yet I feel constantly tired. I have low motivation, non existing libido, anhedonia, cognitive problems, intolerance of exertion, that doesn't get any better with more exercises. I'm exhausted after talking with people, i can not stand much things going on in my surroundings, I'm oversensitive to sounds, lights, moves, too much things. I'm ridicuolusly sensitive to stress, like I feel I can not stand it. That I will literally explode. Not with anger.. just explode.

Every day is the same. I can work max 2 hours on computer, then I'm making some dinner, maybe go for short walk and that's it. Sometimes I get something like post-exertinal malaise, but rarely, because I avoid too much things at all cost. I'm almost housebound. I've thought I must have CFS/ME.

But there's one thing that made me feel very good, like really myself. Like moving in time 10 years back. That was how prednisone made me feel. But I'm not sure if that relevant.

Then, I'm also hyper-sensitive to drugs. Not only allergic, rather I have all sort of side effects. I came to conclusion I have really frustrating metabolism of drugs. And i read that is something which also can be found in some people with AI.

But I've never craved salt and wasn't fequently have to urinate (besides this one episode). I didn't lose weight without a cause neither.

Sorry it took me so long to tell my story. Thank you for reading it, it's mean a lot to me <3

So, does anyone have similar experience? Is it possible to be rather AI related, not CFS/ME? No one ever told me to check cortisol levels. Now, when my symptoms, fatigue are milder, is it any sense to check it?

Thank you for your thoughts.