I (26F) am currently 34 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby. For context this is the first son/grandson/nephew on my husband’s immediate side of the family. My SIL will be turning 25 in about 2 weeks. She is planning this big celebration and I won’t lie I’m exciting to celebrate with her. Recently I have been feeling a lot of pelvic pressure and we have been informed my son is rather large compared to my petite frame. I literally look like I’m going to pop any day now. We have had a preterm labor scare where they gave me medication to stop contractions. With this being said she made a remark when my MIL said she gives me about 2 weeks and thinks he will come out. She said she doesn’t want him to come out near her birthday at all. When I asked why she said because she just doesn’t. I think it might have to do with my MIL saying she will follow me to the hospital and stay so she can “catch” my son lol. I told her I’m sorry but you need to get over it because he will come out when he wants and I just can’t hold him in if he is ready to come into the world. She currently mad at me and my husband. AITAH?

Edit: just to clarify she does in fact have a child of her own. Who just so happens to be born a few days before my MIL.